Thursday, July 29, 2010

lake tahoe and lassen national park

july twenty-seven two thousand ten

We are headed toward Lake Tahoe where Malia's mom Liana, spends her summers caretaking a house on a beautiful south western stretch of the lake.

Here we are, driving the uhaul through Cave Rock, a sacred site of the Washoe people.

you can check out the story on this website if you like:

We kept driving until we came to the narrow bridge of land that creates Emerald Bay, but I didn't take this picture of Emerald Bay because I was too busy trying to calm my breathing from the crazy passenger perspective of the too-tall, too-wide uhaul on the narrow stretch of road (no offense to the driver, of course.)

narrow and tight turns and steep and there's traffic coming and cars impatient behind...

here's Josh attempting to make one of those Tahoe speed boats soar like a paper airplane

hee, hee

SoLo loves my mom. He would see her from far down the beach, and perk up - running to greet her.
My mom has been caretaking this property for a number of years now - she always chooses the nicest places to live!

Nice to make tracks on this soft sand.

Josh later jumped in the lake and took off swimming, he kept swimming and swimming until he was a very small swimming man far out in the water.

We took the long way round leaving Tahoe so that we could see Lassen. Lassen peak erupted in 1914 - there are boiling mud pools percolating next to lakes still covered in ice.

bye for now!

next chapter: the Pacific ocean...

Monday, July 26, 2010


Welcome to our tripblog!
This first one chronicles the full moon departure on July 25th, 2010 of Malia & Josh from our long time home of Colorado, to the Trinity River valley town of Willow Creek, California. Some said it was a risky decision: leaving our jobs and friends to go toward a place where we once saw cauliflower growing in February (surely we can sustain ourselves if cauliflower is growing out in the open in February!) So it was with a certain amount of excitement, and a bit of trepidation, that we set off. We were following the scent of something new in those distant river valleys near the ocean air.

We traveled with the uhaul crane over the mountains and through the desert...


Graffiti house outside of Ely, Nevada

...driving along happily enough...

through the open Nevada landscape...

but any road trip can't be complete without a little tire-popping adventure!

Cell service was sketchy at best, so Josh stayed put inside the circle where he knew he could receive the call from the road help dispatcher.

We took the opportunity to read the poem our dear friend Hannah Cohen gifted us:

The Traveler

Ella Wheeler Wlicox

In response to Rudyard Kipling’s “He travels the fastest who travels alone”

Who travels alone with his eye on the heights,
Though he laughs in the day time oft weeps on the nights;

For courage goes down at the set of the sun,
When the toil of the journey is all borne by one.

He speeds but to grief though full gaily he ride
Who travels alone without love at his side.

Who travels alone without lover of friend
But hurries from nothing, to naught at the end.

Though great be his winnings and high be his goal,
He is bankrupt in wisdom and beggared in soul.

Life’s one gift of value to him is denied
Who travels alone without love at his side.

It is easy enough in this world to make haste
If one live for that purpose – but think of the waste;

For life is a poem to leisurely read,
And the joy of the journey lies not in its speed.

Oh! vain his achievement and petty his pride
Who travels alone without love at his side.

we got up and rolling with a little help from the tow truck guy and the Nevada road fairies (pictured here in their first time ever documented siting.)

Next installment: through Lake Tahoe, Lassen National Park and into the Trinity River valley...